Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Not all SF nerds are library staff and not all library staff members are SF nerds. (Stay with me now, it's like a Venn diagram. I love those things.) But library staff members who are SF nerds are proud of it! So say we all! And we'd like to let you know that we have a fine selection of SF DVD's. Wouldn't it be lovely to see your favorite shows without commercial interruption? And, in the case of Star Trek, to see the entire episode not the one they cut up so they could get more commercial time? DVD's rent for a dollar and you get to keep them a whole week. Not bad. So here is a sampling of our fine collection:

Battlestar Gallactica Season 1
Star Trek Enterprise Season 1
Firefly: the complete series
Stargate SG-1 Season 1
Doctor Who. The complete first series
(with Eccleston)
The Outer Limits Vol. 1 (1960's version)

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